Sunday, February 2, 2014

Quick note on the continuing Nobel Prize in Economics Profile Series

Hey there.

I'm sure that Dora the Explorer caught your attention. If not yours, then it certainly has mine - this cartoon has been thrown in my face ever since my daughter caught sight of her.

So - irregardless of Dora's current relationship with my family, she served her purpose well: she has made you keep on reading.

So, let's get back to the subject at hand: Economics. Pseudo-economics, in my world.

Step 1 when addressing a lack of continuance in posts: Acceptance.

I have not been very good at posting lately.

At first, I thought that my slowdown was a combination of writer's block and an overall lack of time.

Fortunately, my reason for not having posted the 1971 Nobel Prize in Economics Winner Profile (in effect, the last in line as of today) is not due to apathy. Nor for any reason related to anti-motivational factors, like procrastination - as visually exemplified by the picture below:

Why leave for tomorrow what you can do to...*Snooze*
My reason has been analysis paralysis.

To profile a Nobel Prize in Economics winner is as easy or as hard as you want to make it.

I've realized it is an insurmountable task when the goal is to cover everything the Nobel Prize Winner had accomplished, who he influence, who influenced him and the overall effect he or she had on the Economics realm (Academic and otherwise). 

I have a draft on the 1971 Nobel Prize in Economics winner (Simon Kuznets) that has yet to see the light of day (or the CyberWorld's version of what a "day" is). 

The reason? Simple: Kuznets not only helped revolutionize Modern Economics, as did the two Winners before him, he also contributed greatly. To mention him in passing would be a disservice to him, his legacy, and more selfishly, it would do me no good either. My journey to auto-didacticism and becoming economically literate would be in peril were I to half-ass (pardon my French) my attempt to cover the man's body of work and reason for having won the prize partially.

The solution?

Divide and conquer. Divide and rule. Partial (yet complete) posts. Irregardless of the time it takes to accomplish.

Stay tuned. 

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